Welcomes You...

to feed your senses on its treasures

Friday, January 30, 2015

Little Diamond

You were a gift
i saw you sparkle
a little diamond
stirring in my life
you began to shine
your aura blinded everyone
they were intimidated
how could something so precious be in their care
there had to be something wrong there
they were scared
you'd change their life forever
you'd take them off their cushion
you'd challenge them in every way
you'd demand their faith and strength
you were asking for too much
more than they could give
so they decided to nip you in the bud
they cursed you for all that ever went wrong since
they wished you were never born

forgive me
that i let them succeed
in making me hate you
making me me doubt you
making me wish i had never realised you
till your flame began to flicker
with all the layers of blame piled up on you
forgive me
for i no longer can bear to see you dying this way

i give you my hand
come back to me
come save me
come i will embrace you
come i will protect you with my life
come take your seat within me
my little diamond
shine my love
shine so bright
that the world basks in your divinity
and bows down to your sheer magnificence

Saturday, January 17, 2015


He lives in my House
He sleeps most of the time
We wakes up once every few months
When he smells something that he can ruminate on
Then he growls
On the top of his voice
As the neighbourhood shivers with fright
He bangs doors
Breaking whatever comes in his way
And when he's done scaring me
He goes back into his dungeon
Until the next time
Hush be quiet
U dont want to wake up the monster
That resides
Deep inside
Us all...

Saturday, January 3, 2015

I Love you..

I love you...
I know  you don't believe me
yes its true...
I make promises I never keep

I make these grand plans...
that i cant remember next day
I squirm trying to stay put...
while I'm make plans to run away

I say one thing...
then do another
I know you wonder...
if this would be the case forever

i don't have all the answers
Don't trust a single word I say to you
but know that inspite of all this mess
I sure do love you...