Welcomes You...

to feed your senses on its treasures

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

After taste

What must i eat?
Something salty
Or something sweet

What must i watch on tv?
The news
Or perhaps a movie

What would be more comforting
Hiding under a blanket
Or someone else's skin

Will these help
remove past's
After taste that lingers on

distract me from the sound
of ticking
of the clock

prevent confrontation
with the truth
i'm not quite fond of

Take away
 this horrible feeling
And put me at ease

Hush away all conflict
And can give way
 to peace?


I'm crippled right now...
my will tied up
With an invisible rope

I can't call out...
so i write
it is after all, my only hope...




How much more distress
Will i endure
when moreorless...
less is more...

Monday, November 16, 2015


you must be hurting
thanks to my careless blurting

Must be digging 
another tiny hole
in the pit of your soul

Must be like 
needles breaking
into your thick skin

Must be dessert
to the parasite
that knaws deep inside

But It ought to hurt
your conscience, reduced to dirt

Im not sorry
for, from my basics
i will never budge

I'm just sorry for you
for how my reality
you lazily choose to judge!

Monday, November 9, 2015


What is real?
All i've ever been
Or who i'm being now?

What is the truth?
All that i havent done
Or all i plan to do now?

What has more shelf life?
My long standing history
Or my recent present

What is worth choosing?
A safe mundane life
Or the promising unknown

Who must i bank on?
Those who know me enough to hate me yet still want me...
Or those who see me anew and trust me enough to bet on me

because one moment i'm  happy
And in the other dejected
One moment I'm loving
And in the other, disconnected

In this circumstance,
How can i know what i truly feel
How does one tell
Illusions from what's real!

But as i take my time
That i cant define exactly
I seem to drag everyones' lives

i recall what someone said and perhaps its fair to agree
If i dont take my decisions soon enough-
then someone else will take them for me!


i'm a liar
i don't do what i say
i say what i'm never going to do
this is the truth i swear to you
i keep trying
but the problem is
that i don't even realise
when it is, that i'm lying!