Come my love...
come into my arms
you're only 4
so innocent
not knowing whom to trust
and how much
you're to be protected
but how
with a big bad world around you
waiting to pounce on you
come i'll take you in my arms
and keep you safe...
Come my love...
come into my arms
you're only 11
soon to take a step towards womanhood
ignorant of facts
of whats to happen
that may change you
and how the world looks at you from now on
come i'll take you in my arms
and make you realise...
you're a normal kid...
Come my love...
come into my arms
you're barely 13
ready to take on the world
a rebel rockstar
you have you're life chalked out
your friends don't understand you
grown ups say you're a fool
you know nothing
and you never will know enough
to be your own master
come i'll take you in my arms
and show you...
you're amazing
you're exceptional...
you have what it takes to achieve you're dreams...
Come my love
come into my arms
you're now 18
you allow being bulldozed into the most important decision of you're life
you give in
with a jittery confidence
hopes crumbling
you submit
come i'll shake you up
for you're not weak,
you're just conflicted
come i'll take you into my arms
and urge you to hush all that's not you
listen to the voice inside...
Come my love
come into my arms...
you're now 21
deeply resentful
stuck in black's and white's
at war with yourself
and the world around
afraid of everything that were once your passions
come i'll take you into my arms
and warn you...
though you're fighting with all your might
you're fighting the wrong battles...
Come into my arms
you're now 23
more confused than ever
heart broken
in your pits
repulsive to the idea of happiness
addicted to the drug of pain
come into my arms
i'll pick you up and put you back together
reassure you...
this is not the end of the world
you have a lot to be grateful for...
Come into my arms
you're now 24
running away
from all that hurts
trying to flutter with broken wings
you fall out of the nest
into the jungle
still far from flying
you struggle
outsmarted by
tricks played by your mind
come i'll take you in my arms
and comfort you...
you're home is right here
within you...
come into my arms
you're now 29
thirsting for answers
shocked at revelations
and suddenly
the pieces fit together
the weight lifts off your shoulders
yet you grieve at the lost years
the anguish burns your soul
helpless at being cheated by time and consequence
at decisions you did ,but didn't quite make...
come i'll take you in my arms
and show you
what life is trying to tell you
the essence behind each twist and turn
so you can finally...
accept the past
all that you have been
all that you could have been
all that you are today
and all that you'll ever be
embrace yourself tight
and know that its okay
you'll be alright...
you'll always have me by your side
i,your creativity,your shadow,your spirit,you're depth,you're voice,you're intuition...
watching over you till the end of time...
Mani,1st April,2014